International Classes in Austria
Vodder-Certified MLD Therapists
The foundation course is Level I Theory and Practical. The Level 1 Theory component is an easy-to-follow, online PowerPoint slide format prepared by physicians from the Dr. Vodder Academy. All students entering our training program will take this component first. This requires reading, studying and an exam which should take between 20 - 45 hours to complete. It will be available in English, German, French, Italian, Mandarin and Japanese. Successful completion of the exam enables continuation to Level 1 Practical. This 4-day classroom course covers the original basic Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) strokes and their application to each body part, including neck, face, arms, legs, nape, back, buttocks, chest and abdomen.
The 4-day Level II Applied MLD can be taken after Level 1 is completed. Clinical indications for MLD are taught for patients with a functional lymph vessel system. Indications include whiplash, burns, migraines, tinnitus, CRPS and stroke. Special techniques are taught for treatment of conditions such as supination trauma for t he ankle, knee arthroplasty, cruciate ligament repair, adhesive capsulitis and hip pathologies. A practical exam is given at the end of this course and successful completion enables certfication in Applied MLD from the Dr. Vodder Academy/School - International.
Please contact our »Level I and Level II teachers in your country
We are pleased to offer another REVIEW/RE-CERTIFICATION in Walchsee. The Review is international. The "official" language will be English, but you might hear other languages as well.
Classes generally take place from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. The course times are flexible and are based on the number of participants, as a larger group needs to be trained in practical skills for longer. Lesson times are adjusted for smaller groups. The teaching staff reserve the right to make changes.
The participants agree to be available to the respective colleagues for practical exercises during lesson times. It should also be noted that only bare body parts and no clothed areas can be treated.
Registration form available for download
Please send you registration to
Tenemos el placer de ofrecer REVISIÓN/RE-CERTIFICACIÓN en Walchsee en lengua española.
Las clases se imparten generalmente de 9.00 a 12.00 horas. Los horarios de los cursos son flexibles y se basan en el número de participantes, ya que un grupo más numeroso necesita una formación práctica durante más tiempo. Los horarios de las clases se ajustan para grupos más pequeños. El personal docente se reserva el derecho a realizar cambios.
Los participantes se comprometen a estar a disposición de los respectivos compañeros para realizar ejercicios prácticos durante las horas de clase. También debe tenerse en cuenta que sólo pueden tratarse partes del cuerpo desnudas y no zonas vestidas.
Lymph Edema Clinic Austria
Set in the enchanting surroundings of Tyrol’s Kaiserwinkl region, Wittlinger's Lymphedema Clinic has been Europe's center for excellence in lymphedema treatment for more than 50 years.